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$155.99 $178.95 You save: $22.96
Product Features
A unique immunological Fecal Occult test that allows for two samples to be tested on the same card. Rapid 2-step test with results in just 5-10 minutes. CLIA-waived. Immunoassay test specific to human hemoglobin. Extended stability of sample in buffer solution (18 days at room temp/6 months refrigerated). 20 tests and 20 patient collection kits. No dietary or drug restrictions for patient. Sensitivity 99.2%, Specificity 96.7%, Accuracy 98.3% FOR PROFESSIONAL USE ONLY.
$84.95 $97.95 You save: $13.00
Product Features
Immunoassay test specific to human hemoglobin Rapid 2-step test with results in just 5-10 minutes. CLIA-waived. Sensitivity 99.2%, Specificity 96.7%, Accuracy 98.3% Extended stability of sample in buffer solution (18 days at room temp/6 months refrigerated). No dietary or drug restrictions for patient. Item includes: 25 tests and 25 collection tubes. FOR PROFESSIONAL USE ONLY.